Mystical Kiev tour


All peoples have the secret sympathy for their evil spirits.

Samuel Butler

Have you ever been on Old Kiev Hill a Sunday morning? At that time it reigns sheer madness in the air. The chime of church bells are interrupted by pagan chants! How could in the "Orthodox Jerusalem" get along so different faith? We have answer for this question.
The tour "Mystical Kiev" is for you if you want to know:

• how many Bald hills are in Kiev?
• where stands a pagan god Perun?
• where is a Devil hill in the city?
• where is a "haunted house"?
• why monument to Vladimir the Baptist was not consecrated?
• why the emblem of Kiev has archangel Michael image?
• where is Kiev Golgotha?
• how Central Post Office in Kiev is associated with poltergeist?

Objects: Independance square (the first poltergeist in Kiev),  Vladimir Hill (Kiev Golgotha), Funicular ("Devil beremische"), Castle of Richard the Lionheart,  Lysaya Gora near the Andreevskiy Descent, Andreevskiy Descent, monument to Michael Bulgakov (List of objects and excursion route could be changed depending on a traffic situation and churches operating mode.)

Dress code: casual.

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1-3 pax
4-5 pax
6 and more
 3 hours
3600 UAH
6000 UAH
 2 hours
2400 UAH
2700 UAH
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